Difficulty Ordering?

Dear Focaccia Customers,


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing while placings your orders due to our website maintenance. We are working diligently to improve your online experience and ensure a smoother and more efficient ordering process.


During the interim or at any time, please feel free to contact us directly at 415.397.2900, #3 or email your order to Orders@Focaccia.Com.  Focaccia’s catering team will confirm receipt of your email and follow up with any questions and/or an order confirmation.


Thank you for your patience and understanding. We truly appreciate your support and look forward to serving you soon!


Technical Detail: Clearing your cache and cookies may also resolve this issue.


Kind regards,


Focaccia Reserve
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119 Sacramento Street

119 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
6:00 am to 2:00 pm (Mon to Fri)
Tel: 415.397.2900
Fax: 415.397.0820

1198 Mission Street

1198 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
6:30 am to 2:00 pm (Mon to Fri)
Tel: 415-653-0479 ext 3001
Fax: 415-397-0820

455 Market Street

455 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
6:30 am to 2:00 pm (Mon to Fri)
Tel: 415.777.1233 ext 1238
Fax: 415.397.5020

185 Berry Street

185 Berry Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
6:30 am to 2:00 pm (Mon to Fri)
Tel: 415.644.0013 ext 1240
Fax: 415.644.0015

1 Tower Place

1 Tower Place
South San Francisco, CA 94080
7:30 am to 2:00 pm (Mon to Fri)
Tel: 650.267.4233 ext 1008
Fax: 650.763.8987

Focaccia Corporate Services

South San Francisco, CA 94080
6:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tel: 650-267-4233 Ext 1003

Commissary Tower

South San Francisco, CA 94080
6:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tel: 650-267-4233 Ext 1003

201 Haskins Way

201 Haskins Way
South San Francisco, CA 94080
8:30 am to 2:00 pm (Mon to Fri)

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