Difficulty Ordering?

Dear Focaccia Customers,


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing while placings your orders due to our website maintenance. We are working diligently to improve your online experience and ensure a smoother and more efficient ordering process.


During the interim or at any time, please feel free to contact us directly at 415.397.2900, #3 or email your order to Orders@Focaccia.Com.  Focaccia’s catering team will confirm receipt of your email and follow up with any questions and/or an order confirmation.


Thank you for your patience and understanding. We truly appreciate your support and look forward to serving you soon!


Technical Detail: Clearing your cache and cookies may also resolve this issue.


Kind regards,


Focaccia Reserve
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Now, There is Such Thing as a Free Lunch!


Finally, an affordable and easy way to help you attract, retain and reward your employees. Focaccia Reserve Inc is making it possible for companies like yours to successfully compete for top talent in a hot job market by offering a key benefit that employees truly value and have almost come to expect: Free meals every day.



Healthy Meals = Healthier, Happier Workplace


Studies have shown that offering free, quality lunches to employees provides a potential return on investment of 150 percent. And if that’s not enough, here are more good reasons to offer this highly valued employee benefit:


  1. Improved Morale: According to the Glassdoor’s findings, companies that provided meals had higher overall employee satisfaction ratings.

  2. Increased Productivity: A happy worker is a more productive worker! Eating healthier foods leads to more activity and concentration when workers are back at their desks.

  3. Healthier Workforce: When your employees are healthy, they can cost their employer less. They miss fewer days, have better productivity, and health insurance costs are lower.


The Focaccia Partner Program Makes It Easy – And Affordable


The Focaccia Partner Program provides each employee you enroll with a personalized card.


Employees may use their Partner Cards at any Focaccia restaurant location to purchase a fresh, healthy breakfast or lunch.


You set a daily limit on each card of any dollar amount you wish. Any purchases made over the daily dollar limit are covered out-of-pocket by the employee. You can set different limits for individual employees, or increase daily amounts to acknowledge special events. For example:


  • As rewards for special recognition such as for going “above & beyond”, “general awesomeness”, or hitting key milestones.

  • To mark special occasions such as work anniversaries, birthdays or promotions.

  • Your employer partner portal is where you can make changes to card amounts, add or delete employees, edit employee information, or request reports.


Tracking and Reporting – We Do It All For You


Many companies are unable to offer a meal benefit like this because of the cost and additional administrative or reporting requirements.


We’ve got you covered here as well. The Focaccia Partner Program is budget-friendly and we do all the back-end work for you!


We track every purchase by individual employee and you pay only for actual employee expenditures each week, regardless of the preset card amount. You’ll receive a weekly report containing details about food purchases including dates, amounts, card limits, and card balances along with an invoice for the week.


There is absolutely no tracking or paperwork on your end!



Earn Bonus Points!


What if every dollar spent earned you 5% cash back? Now it does!


Every dollar employees spend earns YOU 10 bonus points. Points accrue with every employee purchase and convert to dollars you can either bank for future purchases or apply to your next invoice payment. Log on to your partner portal to view your point balance at any time.




ReadY to Get Started?


For more information, please call us at 415-397-2900 Opt6.


Why wait? Visit or call us today and start enjoying the benefits of a happier, healthier team!